

oooooh I love this adidas tshirt! I bought it in Berlin about a month ago, and it's sooo adorable. and oh I adore how it can be combined in a million ways! and these hareem pants. I wear them all the time. they're like pyjamas. like a very soft blanket, wrapped around your legs in the very most comfortable way. like swimming in a million pillows. I might go a little far right now, but it's testweek, after cafeine is stress the main element in my veins. honestly- I think I stress more than I breathe.
however! you see me sitting here in a very green, very dutch meadow. (I don't just sit there for fun! we were on family weekend with my grandpa, who meanwhile is so old that his hair shines from greyness) Holland can be beautiful.. but only when the sun shines haha.

bday in 3 days! mom, dad, if you read this: I'd very like some 16-yearold breakfast on the 17th! (and maybe with a little this and some JC candy .. maybe, like .. please?????)

tshirt adidas, pants selected femme, shoes h&m

5 opmerkingen:

Unknown zei

Mooie broek!

Fashionisaparty.com (Suz) zei

leuk shirt idd!

Lohr zei

bonaparte én adidas én een hoogst fanatiek verhaaltje én bijna 16;

say no moreeeee

anoniem zei

leuke broek !

Mayke zei

leuk shirt + broek! die eerste foto is echt mooi.